Adolf Mandl jun., cotton spinning mil
Mostek, CZE
At first the Viennese enterprise, led by Eduard (1861–1930) and Heinrich (1863–1927) Mandl, ran a weaving mill in Mostek since 1885. The first project of the cotton spinning mill was created by Séquin & Knobel's office in September 1902, the implementation plans were completed in May 1903. The 4-storey steel riveted frame with 7 bays and inserted concrete filler-joist floors included a vertical brick section which split the mill into two unequal parts and contained an internal rope race, main staircase, elevator and a ventilation and dust tower. The shorter part, containing 4 sections, served for cotton cleaning, mixing and warping, and the longer part, containing 10 sections, housed carding machines in the basement and flyers and ring spinning machines in the upper storeys. The original capacity of 24,224 spindles was soon extended by three additional frame sections in 1905, with 10 more sections to follow between 1907 and 1908. The total length of the building exceeded more than 100 m and the capacity of 49,348 spindles, which required a new 1 400 HP steam machine, manufactured by the First Brno Engineering Plant, as well as the construction of a new engine house and boiler house including a 65 m high chimney. At the same time, the building got an Art Nouveau sprinkler tower roof and central ledge ornaments. As of 1909 the spinning mill employed almost a thousand workers. The original machinery was replaced as late as 1979–1983 by the Tiba national enterprise whose successor ceased production in 2007. The building was demolished at the end of 2012.
~, Fabrikgebäude der Baumwollspinnerei Ad. Mandl jun. in Mastig (Böhmen), Uhland’s technische Rundschau XIX, 1905, Ausg. IV, Nr. 5, S. 11, Taf. 2; ~, Baumwollspinnerei von Adolf Mandl Jun. in Mastig (Böhmen), ibidem, Ausg. V, Nr. 2, S. 11–12, Taf. 2; Lukáš Beran, Domy pro stroje, ERA 21 VI, 2010, č. 2, s. 54–59; Vladislava Valchářová (ed.) – Lukáš Beran – Jan Zikmund – et al., Industriální topografie / Královéhradecký kraj, Praha 2012, s. 151–152.
ETH Zürich, gta Archiv, fonds no. 116: Séquin & Knobel, box no. 06.
Lukáš Beran